How the smoke rolls

Here’s how we do it.  First, we get the fire going in the smoker.  Once the hickory wood gets to rolling, that’s when the meat goes on.  That meat….let us tell you something about that meat.  This meat has been soaking in our home made rub, on racks for a very lengthy time.  Hours later, when that smoke has saturated and brought the meat to that sweet spot temp, we’ll fix you a D of goodness for your mouth.

We put a lot of love, time, detail, and attention into crafting the best BBQ.  We want you to experience the freshest flavors and food possible.

Our food is crafted.  Our ingredients are fresh.  This isn’t cooking.  It’s smokin’.

There are lots of little ingredients, smoking techniques, and details that go into smoking our food.  Some say ‘out of the box’.  We believe this is what makes for the best flavor.

The Rub

This rub has been years in the making.  It started off on a whim.  The first batch wasn’t bad, it was missing something.  Too much of this, too little of that, more of this…  After much experimentation, well, you’ll want to rub down your own meat with it.

The Sweet Sauce

This is the secret stuff right here.  In fact, it’s so secret, it’s a 2-step process to cook this sauce.  We have to cook a batch of one mixture just to add to the final version.  It’s the perfect mix of BBQ and tangy.  That’s sauce made with love.  Dare we say love sauce?

The Hot Sauce

Bring a little heat to your D!  Our hot sauce is made using specific peppers and spices, along with a few secret techniques to give it the right amount of heat.  Just enough to say “Oooo, that’s hot!  Let me have a little more!”

The Slaw

Mayo or Vinegar!?  Truth be told, we didn’t even eat or like vinegar slaw until we made this stuff.  In fact, the bar was pretty low making the first batch.  We blew our own pants off!  Trust us on this one.  It’s slawesome!

The Beans

Beans! Beans! Good for the heart!  The more you eat, the fuller you are!

Using northern beans, diced onion, and just the right amount of spices and brown sugar makes these beans addictive.  You’ll want more and more and more and more and more and more. You get the picture.